Welcome to the stewardship website for St. Thomas Episcopal Church. The goal is to educate, enlighten and explore, with open minds and expectant hearts, the opportunities each parishioner has to be a good steward of all God has given them.
Christian stewardship is a matter of the heart, just as faith is. This website will also assist clergy and lay leaders to create a parish culture of making "stewardship as a way of life." By accepting "stewardship as a way of life" each person can serve and share Christ with all creation in their community. Stewardship is about recognizing that this is God’s world, and we can use the whole of our lives, to make God's world a better place to live, work and play. Through this broad ministry, partnered with God’s help, all human needs regardless of race, gender or age, will be embraced and the spiritual health of the parish will grow.
Click here to discovery ways you can be a faithful steward at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
To be a quality steward requires a faithful prayer life. Before exploring tools and resources on this site, the following prayer is offered:
God of Wisdom and Grace, we rejoice that you have provided us with numerous examples of generous giving in time, talent and treasure. We obediently share these offerings in full knowledge that all of our resources and assets are ultimately a gift from you. Help us to use them wisely and to share them generously. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who gave his life, so we may live abundantly. Amen.
Christian stewardship is a matter of the heart, just as faith is. This website will also assist clergy and lay leaders to create a parish culture of making "stewardship as a way of life." By accepting "stewardship as a way of life" each person can serve and share Christ with all creation in their community. Stewardship is about recognizing that this is God’s world, and we can use the whole of our lives, to make God's world a better place to live, work and play. Through this broad ministry, partnered with God’s help, all human needs regardless of race, gender or age, will be embraced and the spiritual health of the parish will grow.
Click here to discovery ways you can be a faithful steward at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
To be a quality steward requires a faithful prayer life. Before exploring tools and resources on this site, the following prayer is offered:
God of Wisdom and Grace, we rejoice that you have provided us with numerous examples of generous giving in time, talent and treasure. We obediently share these offerings in full knowledge that all of our resources and assets are ultimately a gift from you. Help us to use them wisely and to share them generously. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who gave his life, so we may live abundantly. Amen.